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You Can't Be Allergic and Vegetarian?

From the Cru Restaurant Instagram page @cruoslo

I see it being said way too often for me to not have an opinion on it. “You can’t be both allergic to things and vegetarian!” is just about the saddest thing that I have ever heard! I understand that it is annoying sometimes for the chefs and waiters who serve these customers, but please have pity on them!

As a vegetarian, it’s already hard enough for me to find something that I can eat at every restaurant. Nine times out of ten, it’s just a plate overflowing with cheese. While I love cheese, I am lactose intolerant. Now usually I don’t care- I eat it anyway, but I’m always in a lot of pain after. I’m actually glad that it’s the only problem that I run into when eating in a restaurant.

I have a friend, Laura, who wants to be a vegetarian. The only thing in her way is that she is allergic to so many foods that being a vegetarian on top of it would be what she calls “too much of a nuisance” for everyone else.

In my opinion, not being able to eat the way you want to goes against everything that the food world stands for. The reason why the hospitality industry began is to be HOSPITABLE. How can food bring everyone together when so many people feel left out and excluded because they’re a “nuisance?” Restaurants should find a way to accommodate everybody that they serve, no matter how annoying it may seem.

Please read Laura’s blog, Laura’s Book Nook here:

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